quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010

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Promoção Aerosmith - Blog do MySpace MySpace Brasil de |

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Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
• Do you have any bad habits?
• Do you bite your nails?
• Do you over sleep? Do you sleep on the sofa?
• Do you sleep in your clothes?
• Do you eat late at night?
• What are some good habits to have?
• What are healthy eating habits?
• What are bad eating habits?
• What are good study habits?
• What are bad study habits?
• Where do we learn our habits?
• What are some of your bad habits?
• Do children learn bad habits at school or at home?
• Do you smoke?
• Do you drink alcohol?
• Do you spit on the street?
• Do you throw rubbish on the street?
• Do you smoke at public places?
• Do you sleep in class?
• Are you extremely lazy?
• Do you cut people off in the middle of their stories and conversations?
• Does your mother or father have any bad habits?
• Is it easy or difficult to get rid of a bad habit?
• Do other people's bad habits get on your nerves?
• Have you been successful in getting rid of a bad habit?
• Is always coming late a bad habit?
• What bad habits bother you the most?
• What good habits do you most admire?
• What unusual habits do you observe in your family members? Do they bother you?
• How can you develop a good habit?


Conversation Questions
A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom.
Related: Standardized Exams
• Are you allowed to eat in the classrooms?
• Are you allowed to smoke in the classrooms?
• Did you belong to any clubs in high school?
• Did you go to a public high school or a private one?
• Did you have to wear a uniform in high school? How about elementary school?
• Did you study art in high school?
• Did your high school have a band? If so, did you play in it?
• Do most of your teachers take attendance?
• Do some of your teachers let class out early?
• Do you carry a dictionary to your English classes? How about your other classes?
• Do you enjoy studying English? (...math, science, ...)
• Do you ever skip class?
• Do you have any evening classes?
• Do you play on any of the school's sports teams?
• Do you still keep in touch with your best friend in elementary school?
• Have you ever been absent?
• Have you ever been late for a class?
• Have you ever been late for class?
o If so, why?
o When was the last time?
o Did the teacher get angry?
• Have you ever failed a class? (Maybe this is not polite to ask.)
• Have you ever slept in class?
• How do you usually come here? (How do you get to school?)
• How long does it take you to get to school?
• How many times have you been absent from school this year?
• How much homework do you do every day?
• Was your high school strict?
• Were you on any sports teams in high school?
• What classes do you not like? Why don't you like them?
• What did you like best about high school?
• What do you like best about your school?
• What do you like the least about your school?
• What do you think about your English class? Your gym class?
• What do you think of our cafeteria?
• What do you think of this campus?
• What do you want to do after you graduate?
• What is your best memory from junior high school?
o How about high school?
o What's your worst memory?
• What school did you graduate from? What high school? What junior high school?
• What time does your first class begin on Tuesday?
• What was the name of your junior high school?
• What were some of the rules you had to follow at your high school?
o Which rules did you think were unfair?
o Did you ever get caught breaking any school rules?
o Were you allowed to smoke on campus?
o Were you allowed to eat food in the classroom?
• What's your favorite subject?
o Why do you like it?
o Who is the teacher?
o How many times a week does the class meet?
• Which subjects are you good at?
o (What are your strong subjects?)
• Which subjects are you poor at?
o (Which subjects are difficult for you?)
• Who is your favorite teacher?
o What course does he or she teach?
o Why do you like him or her?
• What did you find the most surprising thing about the USA school system?
• What are the major characteristics you think a teacher should have?
• Do you have to wear a uniform to your school? (Did you have to....)
o Do you like wearing a uniform?
• Tell us about your favorite teacher.
o Why do you like him/her?
• Do you like to wear a school uniform? Why or why not?
• How are the customs of the classrooms in the US different from the customs that you have experienced in other places?



TO FEEL UP = sentir-se em condições de
I honestly don’t fell up to the task want
to entrust me with.
Sinceramente, eu não me sinto em condi-
ções de assumir a tarefa que querem me

TO PULL THROUGH = conseguir superar, recuperar-se
The patient was in critical condition,
but thanks to good medical care he
managed to pull through
O paciente estava em estado crítico
mas, graças ao bom atendimento médi-
co, conseguiu recuperar-se.

TO GIVE IN (TO) = ceder, entregar
The heavy hailstorm caused the roof to
give in and eventually it crashed down
to the floor.
A forte chuva de granizo fez com que o
telhado cedesse e finalmente desabasse
sobre o chão.
As the treasurer of the company was
under heavy pressure, he gave in his
Já que o tesoureiro da empresa estava
sob grande pressão, ele entregou o cargo

TO FALL FOR = deixar-se levar (pela conversa/lábia de
How stupid of me to fall for that guy’s
smooth talk!
Que burro que eu fui ao me deixar levar
pela lábia daquele sujeito!

TO DOZE OFF = cochilar, pegar no sono
My grandfather often dozes off while
watching TV at night.
Meu avô muitas vezes cochila enquanto
assiste à TV à noite.

TO COME OFF = sair, desprender-se
The stamp came off the envelope but I
glue it back on.
O selo desprendeu-se do envelope, mas
eu o colei novamente.

TO COME OFF IT! = deixe de brincadeira!
Come off it! You’re not serious about
marrying Sandra, are you?
Deixe de brincadeira! Você realmente
não tem intenção de casar-se com a
Sandra, tem?

TO PUT ON ...a) = vestir, calçar
It’s fairly cold outside. Take off your
light shirt and put on a heavy sweater.
Está friozinho lá fora. Tire a sua camisa
Leve e vista uma blusa grossa.

...b) = ganhar peso, engordar
During the Christmas and New Year’s
holidays it’s difficult not to put on a
kilo or two.
Durante os feriados de Natal e Ano Novo
é difícil não engordar um ou dois quilos.

...c) = encenar uma peça teatral
Our drama students are going to put on a
show for the kids in the orphanage.
Nossos estudantes de teatro irão
encenar uma peça para as crianças do



TO FEEL UP = sentir-se em condições de
I honestly don’t fell up to the task want
to entrust me with.
Sinceramente, eu não me sinto em condi-
ções de assumir a tarefa que querem me

TO PULL THROUGH = conseguir superar, recuperar-se
The patient was in critical condition,
but thanks to good medical care he
managed to pull through
O paciente estava em estado crítico
mas, graças ao bom atendimento médi-
co, conseguiu recuperar-se.

TO GIVE IN (TO) = ceder, entregar
The heavy hailstorm caused the roof to
give in and eventually it crashed down
to the floor.
A forte chuva de granizo fez com que o
telhado cedesse e finalmente desabasse
sobre o chão.
As the treasurer of the company was
under heavy pressure, he gave in his
Já que o tesoureiro da empresa estava
sob grande pressão, ele entregou o cargo

TO FALL FOR = deixar-se levar (pela conversa/lábia de
How stupid of me to fall for that guy’s
smooth talk!
Que burro que eu fui ao me deixar levar
pela lábia daquele sujeito!

TO DOZE OFF = cochilar, pegar no sono
My grandfather often dozes off while
watching TV at night.
Meu avô muitas vezes cochila enquanto
assiste à TV à noite.

TO COME OFF = sair, desprender-se
The stamp came off the envelope but I
glue it back on.
O selo desprendeu-se do envelope, mas
eu o colei novamente.

TO COME OFF IT! = deixe de brincadeira!
Come off it! You’re not serious about
marrying Sandra, are you?
Deixe de brincadeira! Você realmente
não tem intenção de casar-se com a
Sandra, tem?

TO PUT ON ...a) = vestir, calçar
It’s fairly cold outside. Take off your
light shirt and put on a heavy sweater.
Está friozinho lá fora. Tire a sua camisa
Leve e vista uma blusa grossa.

...b) = ganhar peso, engordar
During the Christmas and New Year’s
holidays it’s difficult not to put on a
kilo or two.
Durante os feriados de Natal e Ano Novo
é difícil não engordar um ou dois quilos.

...c) = encenar uma peça teatral
Our drama students are going to put on a
show for the kids in the orphanage.
Nossos estudantes de teatro irão
encenar uma peça para as crianças do


1. Choose a pair of verbs to complete the reports of what was said. Make the verb negative in the reporting clause, whichever is more likely.
Predict/would expect/lend believe/could explain/be want/wait complain/could

a. “I bet Peter won’t be on time.”
She …………..…that Peter ………………..…. be on time.

b. “You can’t jump across the river.”
She …………………… that I ……………….. jump across the river.

c. “I can’t see the stage clearly.”
She ………………….. that she …………….. see the stage clearly.

d. “I’d rather you didn’t wait for me.”
He said ……………………. me ….………… for him

e. “It’s not possible to see Mr. Charles today.”
He ……………….. that it ……………… possible to see Mr. Charles that day.

f. “Alan probably won’t lend us his car.”
They ……………….. Alan ……………… them his car.

2. Complete the sentences with one of these nouns and an expansion of the notes to a that-clause, to-infinitive clause, or wh-clause as appropriate.

Claim encouragement guarantee invitation issue observation

a. The President has turned down a(n) invitation to visit South Africa in January. (visit South Africa /January)

b. The newspaper has now dropped its … …………….........................
…………………………………… (be / oldest / Scotland).

c. We have received a(n) ……………………………………………………….
…………………………………… (building work / finished / next week)

d. It was the British Prime Minister Harold Wilson who made the …………………………………….. (a week / long time in politics